Download Yahoo! Messenger

Yahoo! Messenger 11 ,  License/price : Freeware , Size : 5.5 Mb

The New Yahoo! Messenger 11
Have a friend or a really good family fun, knowing how she was, talking to her, let alone be able to meet directly with them. but when busy can not be avoided. solution is to exchange information over the phone, short message, or a video call. and all of these features exist on Yahoo! messenger.

Yahoo! messenger makes their distances  so are close to you. well they're on the road, office, home or anywhere else.

Features of Yahoo! Messenger 11
1. Can be used in a variety of operating systems like windows, Mac, iphone, Android, etc.
2. SMS (short message) to your mobile phone
3. File Transfer: Send files instantly to a friend while you IM (2 GB limit).
4. Display Images: Display an image to Represent yourself to your friends.
5. Customizable Fonts & Colors: IM with a font, color and style That suits your personality.