Avira Antivir Personal

Avira Antivir Personal License/price : Freeware size: 101.11 Mb Author:  Avira.com

Avira Antivir Personal 2013 Overview

Avira Free Antivir personal has discharged its newest version of avira antivir personal 2013. have you ever Download and install on your computer?

Avira antivir personal is one amongst my favorite antivirus further as avg free edition and avast free antivirus. avira antivirus has been employed by several individuals thus its little question. 

Here are some of the features of avira free antivirus: 
  • Keep Your pc clean from viruses 
  • Protection against viruses, worms and Trojans AntiDialer protection against expensive dialers 
  • in anticipation of the new viruses before running  
  • Scheduler where you can set the scanner to make automatic virus scans or updates on your system. 
  • Rootkit Detection and Removal.  
  • Internet-Update Wizard for easy updating 
This application also has enhanced protection against viruses the boot sector is not known, issued a warning for boot sectors suspicious formats. Through permanent updates detection engine, ensuring continuous protection: the user can set up the product to download updates when available, thereby keeping you clean and safe.